Friends PTA
Click on the gallery below to see photos of the Friends in action!
Our fantastic Friends Association helps to raise funds to pay for the little extras needed to make school life even more enjoyable.
Most recently they have funded our school Christmas Pantomine visit, a set of iPads to support the delivery of the Computing Curriculum and lots of lovely new books to extend our library. In the past few years the fundraising carried out by Friends has paid for a newly refurbished kitchen for the children to use, an outside classroom and a fantastic trim-trail for the playground.
They do this by holding lots of fun events like:
- Children's bingo
- Christmas Bazaar
- Summer Fete
- Gifts for Parents
- Quiz Nights
- Discos for the children
- Non-Uniform Days
- Bake Sales
If you would like to get involved with the Friends Association, please contact the school office for more information.